Statistics & Research about Madison,WI - Driscoll & Associates Ins Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Madison,WI an area served by Driscoll & Associates Ins Services Inc

Phone : 608-630-9007

Real estate research for area nearby Driscoll & Associates Ins Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hollandale 122,200 440 4.3
Lake Koshkonong 270,100 931 4.1
Sumner 219,100 750 4.1
Honey Creek 231,300 788 4.1
Monticello 131,300 692 6.3
Cottage Grove 252,500 1107 5.3
Sun Prairie 209,600 933 5.3
Monona 217,000 714 3.9
Dane 221,100 885 4.8
Middleton 271,700 840 3.7

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Driscoll & Associates Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Hollandale 32
Lake Koshkonong 321
Sumner 188
Honey Creek 67
Monticello 196
Cottage Grove 488
Sun Prairie 3211
Monona 1118
Dane 98
Middleton 2592
Springfield 98
Leeds 66
Marshall 498
Verona 1124
Sumpter 153

Number of whites in places near by Driscoll & Associates Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of whites
Hollandale 305
Lake Koshkonong 923
Sumner 915
Honey Creek 777
Monticello 1186
Cottage Grove 5652
Sun Prairie 25735
Monona 7246
Dane 1164
Middleton 15340
Springfield 2626
Leeds 803
Marshall 3307
Verona 9988
Sumpter 889

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Driscoll & Associates Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Hollandale 131300
Honey Creek 185000
Monticello 144600
Cottage Grove 177500
Sun Prairie 185800
Monona 172000
Dane 184700
Middleton 277700
Springfield 376900
Marshall 179300
Verona 237600
Sumpter 18900

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Driscoll & Associates Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Hollandale 1
Lake Koshkonong 54
Sumner 9
Honey Creek 40
Monticello 20
Cottage Grove 93
Sun Prairie 357
Monona 60
Dane 9
Middleton 342
Springfield 93
Leeds 39
Marshall 44
Verona 157
Sumpter 58